Mobilising the church, strengthening collaboration, advocating for change.

Human trafficking impacts a massive 49.6 million people worldwide today. It is a complex problem that is rapidly increasing, and requires a multifaceted and collaborative response from governments, organisations, individuals and the church. None of us can stop human trafficking or modern slavery our own – we need to work together to bring the change that is needed.

The World Freedom Network believes that collaboration is key to seeing those enslaved set free: a global network that mobilises and equips the Christian community and advocates for change is needed. We know that the church has a unique and crucial role in the work of freedom, we are both mandated and positioned to be an active player on a global scale in response to these issues.

By connecting churches, organisations, governments and changemakers within our regions, and across the world, the World Freedom Network works to bring the collaboration that is needed for freedom for all.

We empower regional networks to: