
UKRAINE: Trauma Webinar on Supporting Victims of Conflict Related Sexual Violence

The European Freedom Network, part of the World Freedom Network, will gather its experts to discuss the  High rates of conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) that have been reported since the start of the Ukraine war, with thousands of women, children – and men – suffering severe physical and psychological injury as a result.

GLOBAL: World Day Against Trafficking in Persons – How do I choose a reputable organization to support?

July 29 is World Day against Trafficking in Persons.  As Christians, we understand that every person is made in the image of God, with dignity and purpose.  Human trafficking is a grave violation of both of those dimensions of personhood. The church has a crucial role to play in combatting trafficking and restoring its victims.  Globally and locally, the church has the opportunity to mobilize resources and equip people as voices for justice, communities of care, and agents of change.  Today we’ll explore the opportunity – and the need – to mobilize resources in the battle for freedom.

UKRAINE: European Freedom Network Mitigates Human Trafficking in the Ukraine Crisis

The European Freedom Network (EFN), part of WEA’s World Freedom Network, has been working tirelessly to mitigate human trafficking at the borders since the beginning of the Ukraine Crisis.  By day 3 of the crisis, EFN’s partners had brochures explaining to refugees how to stay safe from human traffickers at the borders of Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Moldova.

Be part of the solution

As long as human trafficking and modern slavery exist, none of us can truly rest.  You can be part of the solution.  Donate today and start making a difference.

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