What can I do to fight exploitation

Published On: July 24, 2023

I watched “Sound of Freedom”.  What can I do to stop human trafficking?
Find a local organization to support with your finances, your prayers, and your time.

Human trafficking is real, but it rarely looks like the movies. Exploitation exists, not only in places far from home, but in our own communities.  Here are some things you can do in your daily life, in your own community, to keep people safe and to fight exploitation.

Let’s start with one of the most powerful things you can do:  PRAY.

Human trafficking and the industries that degrade, debase and enslave people are Satan’s playground.  Pray for hope and help for men, women and children who are trapped!  Pray for those working day after day for justice and freedom – and ask God to build His own heart for justice in you.  Pray regularly, and pray knowledgeably:  learn about the issue, and sign up for newsletters from organizations fighting trafficking.



Invite a local anti-trafficking ministry to share with your church, school, Bible study or home group. Find out what they need!  Ask how you can help.  Many anti-trafficking organizations rely on volunteers to handle tasks from bookkeeping to legal support, or to help make a shelter feel cozy and welcoming.  Help raise funds:  explore peer-to-peer fundraising, create awareness events, or host ministry evenings.


Taking a closer look at human trafficking forces us to examine our own lives to see how we might be complicit in exploiting people.  Demand for sexual services and cheap products creates trafficking and exploitation.  It’s as simple as that.

Check your consumption:  low prices can mean that someone else is paying the price for your purchase, working long hours for low wages or under slave-like conditions.  Learn more about slavery-prone industries by clicking the link below.  Even better, buying goods from a freedom business helps people live free from exploitation.

Check your tech!  Is there slavery in the supply chains for these products?  Are the children in your life using it safely?  Turn on parental controls and have a conversation about the dangers.   The European Freedom Network offers a free resource for parents.

Not everyone will be called to leave their job to pursue justice, but there is a role for everyone in God’s work of freedom!  Commit some time and prayer to discover yours.


Jennifer Roemhildt Tunehag works with the World Freedom Network, a global initiative of the World Evangelical Alliance.  The World Freedom Network harnesses the strength of Christian communities to combat modern slavery. 


How do I choose a reputable anti-trafficking organization to support?  https://www.worldfreedomnetwork.org/global-world-day-against-trafficking-in-persons-how-do-i-choose-a-reputable-organization-to-support/



  • Visit Slavery Footprint https://slaveryfootprint.org/survey/#where_do_you_live to see how many slaves work for you.  What changes can you make to help other people live in freedom?
  • The Freedom Business Alliance is working to end human trafficking by addressing its economic roots.  Freedom Businesses exist to hire those most vulnerable to exploitation. Member businesses are creating more than just safe employment – they are creating the structures of support survivors and those at-risk need in order to truly thrive.  https://www.freedombusinessalliance.com
  • European Freedom Network’s Parent Resource is designed to help equip and empower parents with practical tools to engage in meaningful conversations around tough topics like trafficking, sex, pornography, and grooming in a relevant, safe and age appropriate manner.  Download the guide at https://www.europeanfreedomnetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/EFN_cag-parent-Resources.pdf


Training opportunities and events:

  • National campaign training



  • Faith-based organizations providing online learning:



  • JUST conference (Juvenile Sex Trafficking) by Shared Hope:  1-3 Nov 2023, Washington D.C.



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